The main point of the article in the Mail is to highlight the dwindling numbers of English talent in the top flight. Such a trend is hardly a revelation considering the way the game has developed over the last thirty years but the numbers are still startling. There are 210 English players in the Premier League and the squad list breaks down like this...
West Ham 18
Tottenham 17
Middlesbrough 15
Manchester United, Aston Villa, Bolton Wanderers, Derby County 13
Everton, Wigan 12
Newcastle 11
Portsmouth, Sunderland 10
Chelsea 9
Birmingham, Reading 8
Manchester City 7
Fulham 6
Blackburn, Liverpool 5
Arsenal 4
As can be seen, West Ham United are now, as back in 1975, still leading the way in championing home bred English talent. Just one more reason to be proud of this great club.
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